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Routes to Registration

Hosted by Anglian Coastal Local Network


We will have an IET Professional Registration Advisor (PRA) join us to talk about Professional Registration and how to achieve it via the IET. Whether you’re considering becoming Professionally Registered or already have your application underway, the PRA will help to answer the general enquiries that members may have. This talk will appeal to students/apprentices/graduates in STEM, technicians and experienced engineers alike.

Professional Registration
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25 Sep 2024 

6:00pm - 7:30pm

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  • Aerospace TN


Picture of speaker not available

Chris Govey CEng MIET

Routes to registration presenter

Chris Govey CEng MIET works for Equans as a Senior Technical Manager and Electrical Authorising Engineer for various sectors (power generation, healthcare and central government). Chris has a building services and marine engineering background. He currently provides internal Electrical Engineering advice on HV and LV networks both internally and externally to various clients. Chris has been a PRA for around 3 years, seeing several successful applications.


Online event

Any timings will be GMT/BST

United Kingdom

This event will be streamed live and is available to watch online only from any location across the world.


The Route to Registation Workshop will start at 18:00 and finish by 19:30




Please register to attend this event

Free of charge