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EMC compliance process to meet the challenges of introducing new trains in different countries around the world

29 Jan 2025 /  
12:00pm - 1:00pm
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Online event


To ensure electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of any new train to be built with its electromagnetic environment and with the railway infrastructure of the countries concerned, an EMC compliance process needs to be defined and established. 

The main aim of this process is to identify all po­tential electromagnetic interferen­ces (EMI) at an early stage. For each identified potential EMI, EMC corrective measures have to be considered and planned. In addition, the EMC requirements to be met have to be determined. 

Finally, in order to successfully carry out the EMC compliance process, the EMC considerations must be reported in written docu­ments referred to as EMC documents.



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29 Jan 2025 

12:00pm - 1:00pm

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  • Electromagnetics TN


Dr Monika Ruh MSc ETH

Electromagnetic compatibility specialist - Stadler Bussnang AG

Monika studied Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at ETH Zurich.  Specialising in energy technology and mechatronics.  She completed her doctoral studies at the Power Systems Laboratory of ETH Zurich, researching districtibution grids and grid control systems.

In 2010, she worked as a development engineer for grid control systems at a company in Switzerland, before moving on in 2013 to become a senior assistant at the Power Systems Laboratory of ETH Zurich.

Since 2016, Monika has been working as an Electromagentic Compatability specialst/Electrical Engineer at Stadler Bussnang AG, specialising in electromagnetic compatibility of the Stadler railway vehicles.


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