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Technical visit

Exeter Cathedral Roof Tour


Much of Exeter Cathedral is built on foundations now over 900 years old. It showcases what were, at the time of construction, some of the latest innovations in masonry architecture; including vast Gothic windows and flying buttresses that create an awe inspiring light filled interior.

The tour will take a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the way the building was constructed, some of the pathologies affecting its structure today and the steps being taken to mitigate them through conservation architecture and digital building monitoring. Weather permitting, participants will get a bird’s eye view of Exeter from the top of the North tower. The technological narrative is interwoven with relevant social, political and liturgical history and culminates with a visit to the ringing room and an introduction to ‘full circle’ English bell ringing.

The tour ascends more than 60 m mostly in a series of uneven turret stairwells. Participants must wear stout footwear, be able to climb and descend, not prone to fear of heights, confined spaces or dust allergies. The Cathedral reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone posing a safety risk to self or others. 

Further information can be found here.


Continuing Professional Development

This event can contribute towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours as part of the IET's CPD monitoring scheme.

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20 Jun 2024 

3:00pm - 5:00pm

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  • Devon and Cornwall Local Network


Exeter Cathedral

1 The Cloisters
United Kingdom



Free of charge