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Manufacturing Forum 2024


The Manufacturing Forum is an annual flagship event organised by the Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Section of the Hong Kong Branch of the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Each year, the forum introduces and discusses current hot topics in the industrial sector. The theme for this year is “Challenges and New Development Dynamics in Hong Kong's Manufacturing Industry” (香港製造工業的新挑戰和新動力). We are honoured to invite industry leaders and experts as guest speakers to present on the current status, challenges, and opportunities within Hong Kong's manufacturing industry. 



Continuing Professional Development

This event can contribute towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours as part of the IET's CPD monitoring scheme.

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19 Oct 2024 

9:45am - 1:00pm

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  • Hong Kong Local Network

Registration information

Enquiry:               Ms Cadence Law,

Note:                  Bring your Hong Kong Identity Cards (HKID for verification)


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)

Lecture Theatre HJ304
Hung Hom
Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR


09:45  –  10:00 Registration

10:00  –  10:05 Welcome Address  - Ms Law Wing-ting, Cadence  

10:05   –  10:15 Group Photo Taking and Souvenir Presentation

10:15   –  10:30 Keynote Speech by Guest-of-Honour - Government Official 

10:30   –  11:00 Keynote Speech - Mr Sze Kam-shing 

Topic: Challenges and New Development Dynamics in Hong Kong's Manufacturing Industry

11:00   –  11:20 Break

11:20   –  11:40 Keynote Speech  - Mr CHAN Chun-pong, Bond 

Topic: Manufacturing Pharmaceutical

11:40   –  12:00 Keynote Speech - Industry Representative 

Topic: Applications of AI in Advanced Manufacturing

12:00   –  12:30 Panel Discussion 

Topic: The Synergy of Manufacture, Engineering and Technology

12:30   –  12:45 -  Closing Remarks 


Organized by

MIES Section Committee, IET Hong Kong


*Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

*POLYU MILES Alumni Association Limited

Supporting Organisation:

*Manufacturing, Industrial and Systems Division - The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

*Federation of Hong Kong Industries



Free of charge