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Mastering requirements using MBSE

Discover how modelling can help you with requirements engineering

10 Sep 2024 /  
9:00am - 4:30pm
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Online event


Discover how modelling can help you with requirements engineering. Use modelling for effective identification, analysis, validation and specification of requirements.

On this course, you will learn to

  • Use the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach for requirements engineering and management
  • Consider requirements in context, so that you draw out more detail and address them properly
  • Understand the importance of requirements engineering and its role in system and project life cycles
  • Master essential requirements terminology and concepts
  • Implement a model-based requirements approach for your organisation

Who should attend?

Engineers, scientists or managers who deal with requirements engineering or management. No previous experience of modelling is required for this course. 

Professional Development


Continuing Professional Development

This event can contribute towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours as part of the IET's CPD monitoring scheme.

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10 Sep 2024 

9:00am - 4:30pm

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  • IET Courses


Professor Jon Holt

The Engineer in the Hat

Prof Jon Holt is an internationally-recognised expert in the field of Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE). He is an international award-winning author and public speaker and has authored 18 books on MBSE and its applications.

Since 2014 he has been a Director and consultant for Scarecrow Consultants, who are ‘outstanding in the field of MBSE’.

Jon is also a Professor of Systems Engineering at Cranfield University, where he is involved with the teaching of and research into MBSE. He is a Fellow of both the IET and the BCS and is a Chartered Engineer and Chartered IT Professional. He is currently the Technical Director of INCOSE UK where he is responsible for all technical activities and, in 2015, was identified as one of the 25 most-influential Systems Engineers in the last 25 years by INCOSE. In 2022 was elected as an INCOSE Fellow, one of only 85 in the world.

Jon is also actively involved in the promotion of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) where he uses magic, mind-reading and occasional escapology to promote Systems Engineering at Music Festivals, Science Festivals, the IET Pythagorean Cabaret, radio shows and other STEM events. He has also authored the children’s STEM book ‘Think Engineer’ which is published by INCOSE UK.

Simon Perry



Introduction to MBSE

  • MBSE in one slide
  • Evolution of MBSE in your organisation

Introduction to Requirements Engineering

  • The importance of the requirements
  • The need for requirements engineering
  • Requirements engineering vs requirements management modelling

Essential requirement terminology and concepts

  • Requirements sources
  • Requirement description
  • Requirement rules
  • Stakeholder identification
  • Context identification
  • Validation of requirements
  • Building a domain-specific language for requirements, using an ontology 

Implementing a Model-Based requirement approach

  • Creating are requirements framework based on the requirements ontology
  • The people, process and tools you will need to successfully put the strategy into effect

Alignment with UK-SPEC competence

  • A1, B: Apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to the analysis and solution of engineering problems.

Course tutors

  • All courses are delivered by Professor Jon Holt and Simon Perry. Both are internationally recognised authors, tutors and public speakers in the world of requirements engineering. Between them, they have authored fifteen books covering many aspects of systems modelling, including process, modelling, competence, architectures and, of course, requirements engineering.


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£400 + VAT

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£535 + VAT