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Modifications and maintenance of low voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies


An overview of the considerations for modifications of low switchgear and control gear assemblies and the supporting maintenance requirements in line with British Standards and best practice.

Power Electronics


Continuing Professional Development

This event can contribute towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours as part of the IET's CPD monitoring scheme.

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14 May 2024 

7:00pm - 9:00pm

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  • Humber Local Network

Registration information

19:00 arrival for 19:30 start


Paul Dale

Technical Director - Powell

Paul Dale BSc (Hons) IEng MIET, completed a modern technician apprenticeship with Powell (UK) in 1994 and subsequently gained a BSc with First Class Honours from the Open University in 2003. He worked as an electrical applications design engineer before joining the Design and Development department where he became the Director of Design and Development in 2014 with overall responsibility for all Powell IEC products and research and development. He is a member of The IET, an Incorporated Engineer, a co-author of two peer reviewed industry technical papers, Chairman of the GAMBICA Controlgear Technical Committee, a member of the GAMBICA University & Industry Collaboration Council, a member of BSI PEL/121/02, GEL/109, PEL/17/1 and IEC MT14, WG38 standards development committees for Low and High Voltage Switchgear, a member of the University of Huddersfield Engineering Industry Advisory Panel and Chairman of the board of Trustees for the engineering apprenticeship training association and charity, Appris.

Andrew Clark

UK Sales Manager - Powell

Andrew Clark TMIET , completed an apprenticeship in engineering in 1987 with New Western Panels , joining Powell (Switchgear and Instrumentation) in April 1988 as a wireman , moving on to a shop floor engineering role  developing standardised looming boards and manufacturing best practices. He worked as sales applications engineer from 1991 supporting tendering and product development until 1996 when he took a position as regional sales engineer before taking the role of UK sales manager in 2005 at which point became a member of the IET and has given a number of presentations on key industry challenges.


University Campus North Lincolnshire

Ashby Road
North Lincolnshire
DN16 1BU



Please register to attend

Free of charge