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New Space: the future of satellite communications


The commercialisation of space, often referred to as “New Space” has suddenly exposed space and satellite communications to a broad audience via the media attention which this has received, driven primarily by space access ventures such as SpaceX and Blue Origin, along with low earth orbit satellite services from Starlink and OneWeb.

This talk will review the current state of space-based satellite communications, explore the different orbits and the associated pros and cons, and study a few case studies; including satellite-based mobile backhaul and global Internet of Things (IoT) access.

Internet of Things


Continuing Professional Development

This event can contribute towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours as part of the IET's CPD monitoring scheme.

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18 Jul 2024 

7:00pm - 8:15pm

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  • Anglian Coastal Local Network


In-person registration

Please use this registration link to attend in-person

Online registration

Please use this registration link to attend online





Professor Andy Sutton

BT Distinguished Engineer and Principal Network Architect - BT

Andy Sutton is a BT Fellow and Principal Network Architect for Wireless Access. The wireless access domain includes 4G/5G RAN architecture and mobile backhaul/xhaul, along with microwave and millimetre wave radio systems, and satellite communications. Andy holds an MSc in Mobile Communications from the University of Salford and has over 35 years of experience within the telecommunications industry. Andy’s current research interests include advanced radio access network (RAN) coordination techniques, including Centralised-RAN and OpenRAN, optical fibre and radio based backhaul/xhaul, along with LEO satellite communications and High-Altitude Platform Systems (HAPS), all in the context of building resilient heterogeneous networks. Andy holds the post of Visiting Professor of Telecommunications at the University of Liverpool and the University of Salford, he is a Chartered Engineer and holds Fellowships from the IET, ITP and BCS. Andy sits on the editorial board of the ITP Journal.


Atrium Building - University of Suffolk

University of Suffolk


This event will be held as a face to face event in the Atrium Lecture Theatre at the University of Suffolk and as an online webinar.

19:00 - The presentation will start ( if you are online please allow a few minutes to log in)

19:45 - Q&A

20:15 - The event will finish (approx)