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PAEN Annual Meeting 2024


The particle accelerator engineering network is a unique assemblage of scientists, engineers, academics and technicians involved in the fascinating world of particle accelerators.  

The annual meeting is a chance to catch-up in the latest engineering developments in the field as well as network with like-minded engineers. Topical applications of particle accelerators are also discussed, such as the ISIS-II, REUDI, AI for accelerators and thin-film SRF.

The conference will also include an early career engineer poster prize and an accelerator technician of the year prize.

We have a packed agenda and will include a panel discussion with industry leaders from STFC, Universities and Industry on the topic of “Recruitment and retention of engineers into the accelerator sector” with questions submitted by YOU in advance.

Speakers include:

  • Dan Seal(STFC & Lancaster): Thin film superconducting RF development and testing
  • Amelia Pollard (STFC): AI for Accelerators
  • Mike Ellis (STFC): RUEDI
  • Nathan Eldridge (Elekta): Digital Twinning for Accelerators

We particularly encourage the attendance of early-career engineers and technicians.

Particle Accelerators


Continuing Professional Development

This event can contribute towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours as part of the IET's CPD monitoring scheme.

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06 Sep 2024 

10:00am - 5:00pm

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  • Particle Accelerator TN


Dr. Klaus Hanke

FCC study - Chair of Technical Infrastructure Working Group - CERN

Graduating in experimental physics from Aachen Technical University in 1994, with a diploma thesis on LEP accelerator measurements at CERN, Dr. Klaus Hanke completed a PhD at DESY, Hamburg, in 1997, focusing on the Tesla Test Facility linac. He then became a fellow at CERN in 1998, working on beam optics and phase space matching. Since 1999, he has been a staff accelerator physicist at CERN, taking on various roles, including operating the CERN PS Booster and PS machines, and leading their upgrades. Since 2021, Klaus coordinated the FCC feasibility study at CERN.

Liam Smith

Cryogenics Laboratory Manager and Technician - Daresbury Laboratory

An overview of the work and support provided as a Cryogenics Laboratory technician, in support of the Cryogenics Laboratory. Includes support of research and development into, Thin Films and Multi-layers projects, development of the He Recovery System, Building and Calibration of Cryogenics facilities and general laboratory management.

Dan Seal

Vacuum Scientist - STFC

Dan works on the thin film superconducting RF research programme at STFC as part of the vacuum solutions group in ASTeC. He studied physics at the University of Manchester followed by a PhD in engineering with Lancaster University. His research was on the development of a high throughput cryogenic facility for SRF thin film sample testing. In his role at STFC, he works on DC and RF cryogenic testing of thin film samples and works closely with materials scientists in the team. As well as continuing thin film research, his current focus is on the development of cryogenic facilities for thin film coated cavity testing.

Amos Dexter

Senior Lecturer - Lancaster University

Dr. Amos Dexter graduated in Mathematics and Physics from Bristol University and earned a PhD in Theoretical Physics from Liverpool University in 1981. He worked at the Electricity Research Laboratory (now EA Technology) until 2002, specializing in electrical processing for industry. Transitioning to academia, he became a senior lecturer at Lancaster University in 2002. His notable projects include phase locking CW magnetrons, developing a 3.9 GHz superconducting dipole cavity, and collaborating with CERN on various projects.

Currently he is assisting with the development of the LLRF system for the Cockcroft Institute RF test bunker. He is also leading an STFC funded project on microwave gasification.

Jim Clarke

Director of ASTeC - STFC Daresbury

Jim is the Director of ASTeC. He has actively worked on numerous types of particle accelerator including synchrotrons, storage rings, linacs, energy recovery linacs, and fixed field alternating gradient accelerators. The prime focus of his career has been light sources of various types but he has also made contributions to particle physics colliders, neutrino factories, and industrial accelerators. He also has considerable breadth of expertise in key accelerator systems such as magnets, undulators, diagnostics, electron and positron sources, FELs, and beam dynamics. He has given more than forty invited talks and lectures at conferences, workshops, and schools on a wide variety of topics and has written two text books.​​​​

Dr Robin Uren

Postdoctoral Research Assistant - University of Dundee

Dr Robin Uren, is becoming an established researcher in the fields of laser physics and laser materials processing. He completed his PhD with Andy Clarkson at the University of Southampton working on making novel high power Vortex Lasers. He took then took this knowledge of high power laser systems to Dundee in 2021, applying them in materials science. Since then he has been focused on Dundee’s role within HL-LHC-UK Phase 2 project. Initially focussing on reducing the secondary electron yield of the copper beam screens used within the LHC through LESS processing and then expanding this work to other materials exposed to the particle beamline.

Amelia Pollard

Machine Learning Researcher - ASTeC/UKRI

Amelia completed a PhD in machine learning at University of Manchester in 2021 with a thesis "Multitask Learning, Biased Competition, and Inter-task Interference". She joined ASTeC immediately afterwards to do applied ML research for particle accelerators.

Nathan Eldridge

Head of Service Data & Information - Elekta (Linac Solutions)

Nathan has over 17 years background in through-life support engineering and services. Data has been a central point of his work from determining technology refresh points for products with 25+ year lifespans to implementation of condition based maintenance derived from product performance and utilisation. His role at Elekta is to provide actionable information to the business to influence holistic decisions for the Linac product lines, developing whole-life cost models and associated processes, integrating them into product development and service support. This has expanded to cover development of digital twin concepts to support product management and engineering planning.

Dan Wilcox

High Power Targets Group engineer - RAL, STFC

Dan is a chartered mechanical engineer and member of the High Power Targets Group at RAL. He has worked on spallation targets for the ISIS neutron source, and pion production targets for the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF-DUNE). His experience includes Finite Element Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics, irradiated material properties, and accelerator facility design.


Cockcroft Institute

Keckwick Lane
Borough of Halton
United Kingdom


*Please note that the below programme is subject to change.

09:30 - Arrival and refreshments
10:00 - Introduction
10:15  - Keynote Talk 'Engineering Challenges for FCC', Klaus Hanke, FCC
11:00 - Coffee break
11:20 - 'Technical Operations, Projects and Development in Support of the Cryogenics Laboratory, Daresbury', Liam Smith, STFC UKRI
11:40 - 'Thin Film superconductivity development and Testing', Dan Seal, STFC UKRI
12:00 - 'High power RF test bunker commissioning at Cockcroft', Amos Dexter, Lancaster University
12:20 - 'CESA, the Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Accelerators', Jim Clarke, STFC UKRI
12:45 - Lunch and Early Career Posters
14:00 - Panel discussion
15:10 - 'Ruedi', Mike Ellis
15:30 - Coffee break
15:50 - 'Laser Engineered Surface Structures for e-cloud at CERN', Robin Uren, University of Dundee
16:10 - 'AI for Accelerators', Amelia Pollard
16:30 - 'Digital Twinning for Accelerators', Nathan Eldridge, Elekta
16:50 - 'Target Concepts for ISIS-II', Dan Wilcox, STFC
17:10 - Poster Prize and Event Close



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Free of charge