Planning for a net zero energy system in the North East and Yorkshire
Laura Brown, Commercial Manager – Energy Systems; Lizzie Boyes, Local System Planning Engineer; Northern Powergrid
Join us for a public lecture on thoughts on accommodating Net Zero
power in our electricity network in the North East, Yorkshire, and
North Lincolnshire.
This lecture is supported by the IET Teesside and Northumbria
committees and provides an excellent chance to network with the
engineering community.
All welcome, from young people considering an engineering career to
Arrive at 17:30 and meet the IET local network over refreshments.
Continuing Professional Development
This event can contribute towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours as part of the IET's CPD monitoring scheme.
18 Feb 2025
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Doors and refreshments 17:30
Seated 18:00
Duration: 1 hour