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Reimagining London's public services with tech, data and innovation


Today, London faces extraordinary challenges. From climate change to homelessness, and from spiralling demand for social care to the cost of living crisis, the problems are truly daunting.  

London’s local authorities are tasked with responding to these issues - but how can they succeed? 

Two things seem clear. First, they cannot hope to develop effective solutions if they rely only on using the same approaches they’ve tried in the past. Second, they cannot do it alone.  

In this talk, delivered by Eddie Copeland, Director of the London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI), you’ll hear about how boroughs are working together to bring the best of technology, data and innovation to develop new and exciting solutions and reimagine public services. 

Eddie will share insights from LOTI’s work with boroughs and the Mayor of London, including exploring the role of data in reaching net zero and adapting to climate change; developing a data platform to tackle rough-sleeping; prototyping new service models to support vulnerable adults; and creating the capital’s first ever digital inclusion service. 

Come and learn about the art and craft of public sector innovation!

Built Environment
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Built Environment Technologies
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Climate Change
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Continuing Professional Development

This event can contribute towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours as part of the IET's CPD monitoring scheme.

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11 Sep 2024 

6:00pm - 9:00pm

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  • London Local Network


Eddie Copeland

Director - London Office of Technology and Innovation

Eddie Copeland is Director of the London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI), the capital's local government innovation team. LOTI helps London borough councils and the Greater London Authority work together to bring the best of innovation, data and technology to improve public services and tackle big challenges such as climate change, homelessness and social care reform. 

Over the past decade, Eddie has advised senior officials in the United Nations, European Commission as well as national and local governments in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America to support their digital, data and innovation strategies. 

He has been a Board Member of the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI), a unit within the UK government’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, dedicated to enabling the trustworthy use of data. Previously he was Director of Government Innovation at Nesta, the innovation foundation. He is the author of seven reports on government use of technology and data. 


IET London: Savoy Place

2 Savoy Place

United Kingdom

IET London: Savoy Place is committed to having an environmentally responsible event portfolio and work hard to plan and implement events which reflect sustainable event best practices, from working with venues and suppliers that demonstrate best environmental practices to reducing the carbon footprint of each event and therefore our impact on the environment.


18:00-18:30 – Registration (Tea/Coffee/Sandwiches) 

18:30-19:30 - Speakers Takes to Stage 

19:30-20:00 - Audience Q&A 

20:00 - 21:00 – Networking Reception (Tea/Coffee/Sandwiches) 



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Free of charge