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Space Solar

IET Bucks LN - High Wycombe

25 Feb 2025 /  
7:30pm - 9:00pm


The clock is ticking to Net Zero and replacing the worlds reliance on fossil fuels requires not only an acceleration in the build of current low carbon technologies but also the development of new ones.  Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP) has been technically feasible since the 1960's but only now with the reduction of cost in launch and space hardware has the economics now also become attractive.  Moving solar panels into space, free of night and weather, beaming down the energy via microwaves delivers much needed baseload energy.

SBSP has several attractive features including the ability for a single spacecraft to instantaneously deliver power across a quarter of the globe and unlike other baseload solutions can be manufactured at scale to deliver several GW's per year of capacity.  

David Homfray (Chief Technology Officer, Space Solar) will talk about designing and delivering the Space Solar technical programme, enabling SBSP products to be delivered at scale to meet Net Zero.

Climate Change
Security in the Modern World


Continuing Professional Development

This event can contribute towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours as part of the IET's CPD monitoring scheme.

Clock icon

25 Feb 2025 

7:30pm - 9:00pm

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  • Buckinghamshire Local Network

Registration information

For more details contact Andrew Dodd  [Event Coordinator IET Buckinghamshire Local Network]
07801 459471

Registration is not essential and walk-in attendance is welcomed.

However, registering in advance does helps with organising this event.
You will get an automatic reminder of your registration 2-3 days before. 
It does help if you can no longer attend, that you cancel your booking.
If you need help in cancelling or modifying your booking, please contact Andrew Dodd.


Picture of speaker not available

David Homfray

Chief Technology Officer - Space Solar

David A. Homfray has contributed to cutting edge neuroscience at the University of Oxford, fusion research at the UKAEA, space research at the Satellite Applications Catapult and is now focused on the development and commercialisation of Space-Based Solar Power as Chief Technology Officer at Space Solar.

During his time in fusion, he was Head of Engineering Realisation, an Engineer in Charge of JET (the world's largest operational fusion experiment) and led the initial plans, strategies and work packages for the £220M fusion commercialisation programme STEP (Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production).

As Chief Technology Officer at Space Solar, David's primary responsibility is designing and delivering the Space Solar technical programme, enabling SBSP products to be delivered at scale to meet Net Zero.  He is a Chartered Physicist, Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institute of Physics.

Reasons to attend

The engineering of space-based Solar Power

Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP) can accelerate the transition to Net Zero and provide energy security for partner nations.


Bucks New University

Gate D, Queen Alexandra Road
High Wycombe
HP11 2JZ


Doors open 7 pm
Light refreshments ; Tea/Coffee and biscuits
Talk starts 7.30 pm
Talk finishes by 9.30 pm


Space Solar

Space Solar
