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Nov 05
Why have weather forecasts improved?

Technological developments have underpinned the increase in accuracy of weather forecasts. In particular, from the mid-1960s the use of increasingly sophisticated numerical models coupled with an enhanced availability of observations have led to modern five-day forecasts being as accurate as one-day forecasts 50 years ago. These developments will be discussed along with benefits of having accurate weather forecasts.

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United Kingdom Free
Nov 06
RMS - A brief history of telecommunications

Roger Ward, MA, MSc,CEng, MIET, MITP will present an overview of the development of telecommunications over the last 150 years in the UK with a deep dive into some of the key developments that have changed the course of history based on personal experience from the speaker’s lifetime career in the industry.

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GB Free
Nov 06
Online event
Engineering a better world through standards (Online event)

Engineering a better world through standards (Online event)

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Nov 06
Growth Horizons - supporting SME innovation

LJMU FET (Faculty of Engineering and Technology) will describe the project, across several technology areas, eg. fourth industrial revolution, low carbon technologies, creative and digital, and maritime, transport and logistic skills, united in their industry-focused approach of helping industry solve their everyday challenges.

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United Kingdom Free
Nov 07
ICT Conference 2024

"ICT Conference 2024 – The Era of Generative AI: The Blooming of Possibilities and Challenges", aims to provide a forum for the government officials, university researchers, and major industry professionals to share the views on the government policy, the latest development and applications, as well as the opportunities and threats in the future ICT era.

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Hong Kong SAR
Nov 07
Regulatory Engagement: Getting to know the NSTA and what could the Future Hold for Net Zero

The North Sea Transition Authority is the regulator for offshore oil and gas, Carbon Transportation and Storage and Hydrogen Transportation and Storage.

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United Kingdom Free
Nov 07
Fireside Chat between two SME Starters with focus on challenges and problem solving

This Fireside Chat gathers the talent and experience of two senior engineers that started their own business which are still in operation. They will discuss casually but realistically why and how they start, how they build their business models, what are the imperatives for business survival and growth, the major challenges and opportunities, the possible succession plan and the winding up options. Upon the Fireside chat completed, a third speaker, a senior engineer with legal background will join in to share some valid solutions to selected major problems that startups will often encounter.

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Hong Kong SAR Free
Nov 12
Present around the network - Lancaster

Present Around The Network is a competition for Young Professionals and Students within engineering to develop and showcase presentation skills. Prize money of £150 (and 2nd prize of £100 subject to number of entrants) available to win.

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United Kingdom
Nov 12
Routes to Registration

The Humber Local Network are offering an opportunity to discuss Routes to Registration with the IET and in accordance with the Engineering Council UK-SPEC Framework.

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United Kingdom Free
Nov 13
5000 Years and Counting: The History of the Pocket Calculator

This will be an interactive event in two parts. The first part will be a talk of about 55 minutes, synopsis below. The second part will combine refreshments with a chance to view the Speaker's calculator collection and for attendees to show off their own favourite calculator(s). Everyone will be encouraged to debate topics like which company made the best calculators, in which exam/work task/domestic duty did a calculator help you the most and was Reverse Polish a godsend or the devil's work. The Speaker will be mounting a stern defence of Reverse Polish notation so come along and take sides. Bringing a calculator to the event is not compulsory but is very much encouraged.

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GB Free
Nov 13
Technical visit
Tata Steel Colours

Tour the latest in coatings technology.

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GB Free
Nov 13
System integrity: Physical & Cyber Security Integration in the railway

In modern railway systems, the lines between physical and cyber security can be blurred. Join us to explore the challenges and benefits of integrating both to enhance railway system integrity.

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United Kingdom Free